Tuesday, November 16, 2010
White or whole wheat bread-what is your option {Poll}
Eat whole wheat bread for you?It is 100% whole wheat, or you do not really see if it is? let us on what you think about this whole wheat bread business by taking our survey, white or Whole Wheat bread-what is your option.
Ford Mondeo: Modnik среднего
Чтобы отслеживать нынешние тенденции, нет ничего хуже, чем время от времени падения. То же самое верно для автомобилей, решил после обновленный Ford Mondeo.
Явно не значительно обновленный автомобиль: модные летнее привели фары и фонари, построенный на аналогичные технологии. Салон переехал, за исключением элемента управления радио и климата слегка измененный кнопок.Но это обычная процесса.шаблон наиболее дорогостоящее оборудование получили semidujmov сенсорный экран, через который теперь можно также управлять климатом и последующих каналы (изображение передается камеры заднего вида).
Наиболее значительные нововведения – под капотом: линейки дизелей сейчас завершает 2.2-литровый бензином квартет EcoBoost 200-2-литровый давления заменила старые 5-цилиндровый двигатель 2.5 обратно в первые годы.Но затем он вынес в общей сложности 203, и теперь этот двигатель сломал до 240 л.с. EcoBoost находится в авангарде прогресса: она оснащена nizkoinercionn турбин прямого впрыска с этапами независимого изменения систем высокого давления и intake.The Мощный мотор эффективно не и автомобиля с его дружбу с аэродинамическими характеристиками, радиатор имеют автоматические жалюзи – система управления может превратить их в один из 15 статус шаг 6 degrees.But даже с муфтой сцепления PowerShift двойной 6-ступенчатая автоматическая коробка передач открыли новые предложения двигателя.
В целом акустического является не только мощным, но также экологичные: CO2 в целом не превышать 179, средний расход топлива при 7,7 л/100 км.
Что на практике?Для механических утверждает, почти никто: Boudreau является машина и городских и Германии неограниченное thread.Only порой мало короткий на низы — расходы на борьбу за лучшее environment.But звук прекрасна: напоминает водителю о скрытых под капотом, но не давит на уши. А вот с коробкой переключения скоростей могут сбоев: Если вы идете немного быстрее, вы начнете замечать прыжков во время ускорения и «бросать» между шагами.Но стоит маркировка времени, испаряется претензий.
Ешьте сами спецификации встроенного браузера (его обещание преподавать русский язык) и наслаждаться последними плодами прогресса, который обновленные варианты Mondeo, активной подвески с трех позиций, распоряжающейся заслонки, Управление жалюзи советы, хороший свет, сами переключаемых из задолго до середины.
От желания выполнять моды Ford Mondeo явно выиграла.Большой, твердые поверхности, изобилует современного ноу-хау, многие автомобиль безусловно победит их hearts.Popularity, конечно, благосклонности и цена – от 689 000 988 500 рублей, в зависимости от configuration.Only, немного дороже, чем было раньше.
Денис Harutyunyan.Behind колесо
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Матч против финнов zakalil России
Комментатор ТК "Россия 2 Александр Kuzmak, подводя итог матча против России в Кубке Карьяла, в котором наша команда выиграла (1-0), похвалил вратарь Василий Koseckina и подчеркнул, что этот результат очень важно доверять Вячеслав Быков эмоционально.
-Быки сказал, что он хотел бы попробовать новой схемы это быстрого перехода в районе неправильно и частые изменения в links.Managed?
– Скорее нет, чем да, но там нет вины Быкова, разумеется, он не поражения тактики, я бы не стал. Здесь мы играли с время supermotivated. Финны являются дома, их турнир, и они хотят, чтобы выиграть. Иначе на все, почему европейские даты?Главное – мы уверенно действовать в защиту и показала характер. Поражение 0: 1 – было бы сказать, что группа subsided.Victory является настолько сухой она очень well.A позитивный результат в таких играх помогает команде умение.
Роль в победе не преувеличивать Koseckina? Матчи pulled его он?
Я бы не сказал pulled вне – не pulled.He просто pleased.You имеют надежный вратарь это полдела в наших условиях.Плюс лично для него является большим достижением.Вратари, такого затяжного спада преодолели – не то замечательно?
Теперь россияне будут соответствовать против Швеции, ранее ogorcivs чехов.
– Швеция, у нас традиционно было легче – менее цепкий и более быстрого, чем Finns.Usually мы pereigryvaem их за счет средств speed.Therefore, этот стиль bykau и Захаркина хорошо подходит разорвать .Хотя «Tre Krunur» европейские сроки более важным для нашей команды с точки зрения эмоций и не собирать разведывательные данные о соперник является не чемпионате мира и Олимпийских игр.
Если вы заинтересованы в этот материал, вы можете следовать дискуссии, подписавшись на RSS 2.0.You можете оставить комментарий или напишите trekbek
Матч против финнов zakalil России
Комментатор ТК "Россия 2 Александр Kuzmak, подводя итог матча против России в Кубке Карьяла, в котором наша команда выиграла (1-0), похвалил вратарь Василий Koseckina и подчеркнул, что этот результат очень важно доверять Вячеслав Быков эмоционально.
-Быки сказал, что он хотел бы попробовать новой схемы это быстрого перехода в районе неправильно и частые изменения в links.Managed?
– Скорее нет, чем да, но там нет вины Быкова, разумеется, он не поражения тактики, я бы не стал. Здесь мы играли с время supermotivated. Финны являются дома, их турнир, и они хотят, чтобы выиграть. Иначе на все, почему европейские даты?Главное – мы уверенно действовать в защиту и показала характер. Поражение 0: 1 – было бы сказать, что группа subsided.Victory является настолько сухой она очень well.A позитивный результат в таких играх помогает команде умение.
Роль в победе не преувеличивать Koseckina? Матчи pulled его он?
Я бы не сказал pulled вне – не pulled.He просто pleased.You имеют надежный вратарь это полдела в наших условиях.Плюс лично для него является большим достижением.Вратари, такого затяжного спада преодолели – не то замечательно?
Теперь россияне будут соответствовать против Швеции, ранее ogorcivs чехов.
– Швеция, у нас традиционно было легче – менее цепкий и более быстрого, чем Finns.Usually мы pereigryvaem их за счет средств speed.Therefore, этот стиль bykau и Захаркина хорошо подходит разорвать .Хотя «Tre Krunur» европейские сроки более важным для нашей команды с точки зрения эмоций и не собирать разведывательные данные о соперник является не чемпионате мира и Олимпийских игр.
Если вы заинтересованы в этот материал, вы можете следовать дискуссии, подписавшись на RSS 2.0.You можете оставить комментарий или напишите trekbek
Матч против финнов zakalil России
Комментатор ТК "Россия 2 Александр Kuzmak, подводя итог матча против России в Кубке Карьяла, в котором наша команда выиграла (1-0), похвалил вратарь Василий Koseckina и подчеркнул, что этот результат очень важно доверять Вячеслав Быков эмоционально.
-Быки сказал, что он хотел бы попробовать новой схемы это быстрого перехода в районе неправильно и частые изменения в links.Managed?
– Скорее нет, чем да, но там нет вины Быкова, разумеется, он не поражения тактики, я бы не стал. Здесь мы играли с время supermotivated. Финны являются дома, их турнир, и они хотят, чтобы выиграть. Иначе на все, почему европейские даты?Главное – мы уверенно действовать в защиту и показала характер. Поражение 0: 1 – было бы сказать, что группа subsided.Victory является настолько сухой она очень well.A позитивный результат в таких играх помогает команде умение.
Роль в победе не преувеличивать Koseckina? Матчи pulled его он?
Я бы не сказал pulled вне – не pulled.He просто pleased.You имеют надежный вратарь это полдела в наших условиях.Плюс лично для него является большим достижением.Вратари, такого затяжного спада преодолели – не то замечательно?
Теперь россияне будут соответствовать против Швеции, ранее ogorcivs чехов.
– Швеция, у нас традиционно было легче – менее цепкий и более быстрого, чем Finns.Usually мы pereigryvaem их за счет средств speed.Therefore, этот стиль bykau и Захаркина хорошо подходит разорвать .Хотя «Tre Krunur» европейские сроки более важным для нашей команды с точки зрения эмоций и не собирать разведывательные данные о соперник является не чемпионате мира и Олимпийских игр.
Если вы заинтересованы в этот материал, вы можете следовать дискуссии, подписавшись на RSS 2.0.You можете оставить комментарий или напишите trekbek
Ford Mondeo: Modnik среднего
Чтобы отслеживать нынешние тенденции, нет ничего хуже, чем время от времени падения. То же самое верно для автомобилей, решил после обновленный Ford Mondeo.
Явно не значительно обновленный автомобиль: модные летнее привели фары и фонари, построенный на аналогичные технологии. Салон переехал, за исключением элемента управления радио и климата слегка измененный кнопок.Но это обычная процесса.шаблон наиболее дорогостоящее оборудование получили semidujmov сенсорный экран, через который теперь можно также управлять климатом и последующих каналы (изображение передается камеры заднего вида).
Наиболее значительные нововведения – под капотом: линейки дизелей сейчас завершает 2.2-литровый бензином квартет EcoBoost 200-2-литровый давления заменила старые 5-цилиндровый двигатель 2.5 обратно в первые годы.Но затем он вынес в общей сложности 203, и теперь этот двигатель сломал до 240 л.с. EcoBoost находится в авангарде прогресса: она оснащена nizkoinercionn турбин прямого впрыска с этапами независимого изменения систем высокого давления и intake.The Мощный мотор эффективно не и автомобиля с его дружбу с аэродинамическими характеристиками, радиатор имеют автоматические жалюзи – система управления может превратить их в один из 15 статус шаг 6 degrees.But даже с муфтой сцепления PowerShift двойной 6-ступенчатая автоматическая коробка передач открыли новые предложения двигателя.
В целом акустического является не только мощным, но также экологичные: CO2 в целом не превышать 179, средний расход топлива при 7,7 л/100 км.
Что на практике?Для механических утверждает, почти никто: Boudreau является машина и городских и Германии неограниченное thread.Only порой мало короткий на низы — расходы на борьбу за лучшее environment.But звук прекрасна: напоминает водителю о скрытых под капотом, но не давит на уши. А вот с коробкой переключения скоростей могут сбоев: Если вы идете немного быстрее, вы начнете замечать прыжков во время ускорения и «бросать» между шагами.Но стоит маркировка времени, испаряется претензий.
Ешьте сами спецификации встроенного браузера (его обещание преподавать русский язык) и наслаждаться последними плодами прогресса, который обновленные варианты Mondeo, активной подвески с трех позиций, распоряжающейся заслонки, Управление жалюзи советы, хороший свет, сами переключаемых из задолго до середины.
От желания выполнять моды Ford Mondeo явно выиграла.Большой, твердые поверхности, изобилует современного ноу-хау, многие автомобиль безусловно победит их hearts.Popularity, конечно, благосклонности и цена – от 689 000 988 500 рублей, в зависимости от configuration.Only, немного дороже, чем было раньше.
Денис Harutyunyan.Behind колесо
Если вы заинтересованы в этот материал, вы можете следовать дискуссии, подписавшись на RSS 2.0.You можете оставить комментарий или напишите trekbek
Monday, November 15, 2010
only forward)
Today, I-64-92 89
bulimia take leave completely.very poorly in school, and kolbasit training didn't go
a bowl of oatmeal, milk s?ela, a piece of corn with two h/l currant jam two Strawberry caramels + coffee + glass of milk + 2 tea cups
tomorrow I will try more useful X-x
§8 Report.
Well, here's the ((((((Some cry All the Board correctly, type smart and very ...pristrelite me please!!! For breakfast, lunch and dinner I skusala 560kKall. Wanted for dinner only coffee drink. As a result the 1edinstvenn karamel?ku allowed strusila. And instead, drank 1kofe 2kruzki (((in General, the day it happened around 650kKall. And all of that tired much (((To tomorrow limit 500kKall. Plan tomorrow to eat sea cabbage, apples and green tea plus tomorrow will be 2 hours + 1 hour gym gymnastics and another thing: I will try in your diet more gradual introduction of a litre of water: water utility, and I forget to drink it here so I)))
Lean cuisine Linguine Carbonara
There was full working time and until exhaustion when I stumble into a merchant looking to get a few things to the stock in the dorm fridge. Lean cuisine meals were on sale so that the issue was not about to buy some meals or not; the question was simply as black was the most appealing? I picked up a few favorites, such as Butternut Squash Ravioli and lean cuisine Chicken cheese Lasagna with Scaloppini, as well as a few varieties I had not yet seen, including Lean cuisine Linguine Carbonara.
Serving size: 1 pkg
Calories: 300
Total fat: 8 grams, 12%
Saturated fat: 2 g, 10%
Sodium: 590 mg, 25%
Carbohydrate: 44 grams
Fiber: 2 g, 8%
Sugars: 2 g
Protein: 14 grams
Lean cuisine did a fairly decent jobs with this pasta Carbonara. Restaurant quality it may not, but for a frozen meal, which heats in a few minutes, is quite good. a plethora of little bacon oplosningskonflikter is sprinkled the entire dish and contribute to a distinct smoky light alfredo sauce among-like creamy and osteagtig. Sauce is rather thick and there is just enough to coat each perfect effervescent forkful of tender linguine. Peas and red pepper add not only a bit of a mouthful, but also a level of eye appeal that makes this dish so much more pleasant.
sponsorEach 9.25 Ounce Lean cuisine Linguine Carbonara Entree provides 300 calories, 8 g total fat, which is 2 g saturated fat (12% & 10% of the daily value), 590 mg of sodium (25% of the digital), 2 grams fiber (8% DV), 4 g of sugar and 14 grams of protein.
Look at the list of ingredients, it is not all by any means physical, but not too bad either partially hydrogenated oils, no-I paid $ 2.00 for this incredibly satisfying dish and was extremely satisfied with the outcome. Be frozen meals can be Handy sometimes, so it helps to know what is delicious and easy on the Calorie budget.Lean cuisine Linguine Carbonara rocks, and is easily now one of my favorite LC meals.
{Homepage: lean cuisine Linguini Carbonara}
not that I quickly ...
Here's an article (http://she.ngs.ru/news/more/42180/) says, "If you want to get rid of a few kilograms, the regular loss should be much less than 500 g.". I hudeu much faster ... where is the 500 g per day on average. And yet I 55 will do everything to weight continued to decline. When started to lose weight (almost a week ago), I was constrained by limitations Mirimanov to eat ... Now if not what I am, I do not eat in the morning and nice man… so I don't want to again become a fat cow. Taksim .... the spectre of psychosis in the air. ...
shame ((
Diet relies not on calorie food and the chemical reactions occurring in the body. And therefore must adhere strictly to this mode without any modification or use in the diet. If you decide to remove any product in this mode, you should never put in its place.
If mode is omitted, the number of any product, you can take in any amount, up to saturation.
This mode is suitable for all ages and it is not necessary during treatment to further any vitamins.
Important notes:
-You should drink more water.
-Vegetables are simmered in water without adding the broth, add salt, pepper, spices, onion, garlic;
-You cannot add oils and fats;
-You can drink a glass of soda at any time by the bottle or two of carbonated beverages (dietary);
-Allowed to drink at any time, tea or coffee without sugar or milk, a substitute for sugars;
-In the sense of hunger to eat cucumber or carrots or salad, but with time (2 hours) after the prescribed food;
-You must strictly comply with this mode with the same products and quantities, and do not alter lunch dinner and vice versa;
-If you want to monitor your weight reduction, vzvesivajtes? 1 times a day in the morning after the toilet;
-No, stopping at some period, renew it from that same moment, you need to return to the top.The same if the error was made;
-Preferred sports;
-After the treatment you will feel quickly filled stomach, even if the food was small;This will help keep you on your weight within a few months, but with moderate reception of calories and sugar;
-If you wish to repeat mode again, it is preferable to repeat twice, the first and fourth week.
The first week
Daily breakfast: 1/2 orange or grapefruit and 1-2 eggs
Lunch: any one kind of fruit and in any amount (oranges, apples, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, etc.)
Dinner: fried or boiled meat (beef mince slices or without FAT), mutton
Lunch: boiled or roasted chicken Skinless
Dinner: 2 eggs, salad (cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, carrots), 1 1/4 toast or tortillas, 1 orange or grapefruit
Lunch: any raw (skimmed) in any quantity 1 toast tomato
Dinner: fried or boiled meat (beef mince slices or without FAT), mutton
Lunch: any one kind of fruit and in any amount (oranges, apples, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, etc.)
Dinner: fried or boiled meat (beef mince slices or without FAT), lamb salad
Lunch: 2 eggs, boiled vegetables (Zucchini or beans or carrots or green peas)
Dinner: boiled or fried fish, salad, 1 orange or grapefruit
Lunch: any one kind of fruit and in any amount (oranges, apples, pears, apricots, melons, watermelons, etc.)
Dinner: fried or boiled meat (beef mince slices or without FAT), lamb salad
Lunch: boiled or roasted skinless chicken, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit
Dinner: boiled vegetables
Second week
Daily breakfast: 1/2 orange or grapefruit and 1-2 eggs
Lunch: fried or boiled meat, salad
Dinner: 2 eggs, salad, 1 orange or grapefruit
Lunch: fried or boiled meat, salad
Dinner: 2 eggs, 1 orange or grapefruit
Lunch: fried or boiled meat, cucumbers
Dinner: 2 eggs, 1 orange or grapefruit
Lunch: 2 eggs, any white cheese (skimmed) in any quantity, boiled vegetables
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs
Meal: fish boiled or roasted
Dinner: 2 eggs
Lunch: fried or boiled meat, tomatoes, 1 orange or grapefruit
Dinner: a mixture of fresh fruit (Orange, Tangerine, melon, peach, Apple)
Lunch: boiled or roasted skinless chicken, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit
Dinner: boiled or roasted skinless chicken, tomatoes, boiled vegetables, 1 orange or grapefruit
Third week
Throughout the day, any fruit in any amount at any time, in conjunction with any other fruit except: grapes, mango, date, banana figs.
Throughout the day any cooked vegetables and salads, except combinations with potatoes and dry cereals.
Throughout the day from any fruit or cooked vegetables, salads, any in any amount at any time.
Fish boiled or roasted in any quantity, lettuce (cabbage or lettuce) in any quantity, boiled vegetables.
Meat roasted varenoe or lean, mutton or chicken, cooked vegetables, boiled vegetables.
Saturday and Sunday
Throughout the day one kind of fruit in any amount at any time (only apples or pears or peaches, or just only apricots).
The fourth week
Mentioned products are for the whole day without a certain amount of time, but without supplement.
4 slices of fried or boiled meat and boiled chicken 1/4
4 3 tomatoes, cucumber
1 jar of tuna without oil (or washed water)
1 toast
1 orange or grapefruit
2 slices of fried or boiled meat (maximum 200 grams)
4 3 tomatoes, cucumber
1 toast
Apple or pear, melon, 1 portion or orange or grapefruit
1 spoonful of cottage cheese or any white cheese (skimmed)
Small dish of boiled vegetables
2 tomatoes, 2 cucumber
1 toast
1 orange or grapefruit
1/2 boiled or roasted chicken
3 tomatoes, cucumber
1 toast
1 orange or grapefruit
One kind of fruit
2 boiled eggs
3 tomatoes, 1 salad
1 orange or grapefruit
2 boiled chicken breasts
1/8 of a pound of cheese or cheese
1 toast
2 tomatoes, cucumber, soured milk 2
1 orange or grapefruit
1 teaspoon cheese
Jar tuna without oil
Small dish of boiled vegetables
2 tomatoes, 2 cucumber
1 toast
1 orange or grapefruit
Day 37, report
Anyone knows good exercises, which can be found in this season for the thighs and buttocks to address online? If not found then podelala minutes 10 and tired ... did not like.
Kusala today:
Breakfast-oatmeal, Burger, a piece of bread, green tea, 3 candy
lunch-mushroom soup
dinner-vegetable salad (cucumber, tomato, peppers) olive oil
Ceto strange is happening with the CD. yesterday and immediately began zkoncilis? and everything ...Nope ... more nirazu such, somebody knows that it can be? the stomach does not hurt, Titi don'tyourhandshurt ...
Now I go, I don't remember what you should look at the bath ...from no bath
Ceto eat much like it.unloading tomorrow ...EH ...I'm tired of all this diet, but the desire to be a strong
I identified with diets
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Found an interesting page: [url = http://www.nadietah.ru/node/167052] I identified with diets [/url].Let's discuss?
Report for the 5-week, supply dimension table
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Found an interesting page: [url = http://www.nadietah.ru/node/167051] report for the 5-week, supply, dimension table [/url].Let's discuss?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
21 days. Protassov
Today the kefire grejp razgruzocka and frute:
w-grapefruit, kefir
o-grapefruit, kefir
u-grapefruit, kefir
Soon will follow.UZ-nedozdus?))
BUČev weekdays continues!
Hi girls!
Finally, a minute sit among companies and meet with the thought, thee and Sunday here
Bucevan my progress. Motivation is the 25th go to boss man in the annual celebration of Thanksgiving. See exquisite company will be there, I want to hit people in the dirt. Heck, this would be, but so far it is me motivated to keep yourself in the hands.Sport and, although this afternoon feeling like it better. If all, tomorrow I'll try a light cardio.
Judging my debatnoe went well. I even liked it. If you feel better, so in general it would be a class!8 month old daughter came out to the semifinal, but lost. It's a pity it was sad. But the errors still tend to be a lot of tournaments, so everything will be OK!
And the only weekend held in the procurement of products and then kitchen on the go up something which would say. Filled with forgotten eggplant, decided to bake in the oven. Well as respectable dietcica "pozadnicala" Rast oil and only slightly sbryznula cut halves. As a result, Eggplant looked like lean urgently save anybody, namazav tomato sauce with herbs and garlic. But do not know yet, zasunula in refrigerator for tomorrow.And its natusila vegetables in the oven, wheat gruel with onions and mushrooms made (buckwheat ended), breast zapekla, thought that the last couple of days. 8 month old daughter Came into the kitchen and says: "a meal where?", I so proudly on their show, and she kastrul?ki me: "No, not this rather delicious!" That she had given every baking Neto, and there is nothing in the House.But the pastries were still force w washing all the
I hope your vyhi were more pleasant.On Monday you mother!
nehil growth:(
Hi girls!
Finally, a minute sit among companies and meet with the thought, thee and Sunday here
Bucevan my progress. Motivation is the 25th go to boss man in the annual celebration of Thanksgiving. See exquisite company will be there, I want to hit people in the dirt. Heck, this would be, but so far it is me motivated to keep yourself in the hands.Sport and, although this afternoon feeling like it better. If all, tomorrow I'll try a light cardio.
Judging my debatnoe went well. I even liked it. If you feel better, so in general it would be a class!8 month old daughter came out to the semifinal, but lost. It's a pity it was sad. But the errors still tend to be a lot of tournaments, so everything will be OK!
And the only weekend held in the procurement of products and then kitchen on the go up something which would say. Filled with forgotten eggplant, decided to bake in the oven. Well as respectable dietcica "pozadnicala" Rast oil and only slightly sbryznula cut halves. As a result, Eggplant looked like lean urgently save anybody, namazav tomato sauce with herbs and garlic. But do not know yet, zasunula in refrigerator for tomorrow.And its natusila vegetables in the oven, wheat gruel with onions and mushrooms made (buckwheat ended), breast zapekla, thought that the last couple of days. 8 month old daughter Came into the kitchen and says: "a meal where?", I so proudly on their show, and she kastrul?ki me: "No, not this rather delicious!" That she had given every baking Neto, and there is nothing in the House.But the pastries were still force w washing all the
I hope your vyhi were more pleasant.On Monday you mother!
22 record
Long ago I did not write journal entries are not what it was. But the site came regularly to podpitat?sa energy slimming and learn something new. At the moment my weight 94.600, as demonstrated by my practice to lose weight to reduce portions of food up to 200 g at once every 2-3 hours, my face, not one iota. Reducing calories through 600.700 members ofthe yield results only for the first week of the diet because the weight started got up and stood two or more weeks. Raised up to 1300-1500 k through trial and error I understood better not to confuse the carbohydrates and protein. Sometimes even 1800 CAL turned out and still decreasing weight. Cost of carbohydrates and protein blend so to dinner, and 1000 calories per day the weight started to creep up. I hope I have found your way to weight loss.I wish all the light weight.
On the seventh day.
Hello world! 600 Gr. plummet Today Tomorrow watch weighing and measurement.
It's as usual ...just yesterday, dinner and failed, not like and appetite gone ...
Today morning: CBS News exercises, muscle, buttocks.
at 8: 00 vodicka, 9: 00 Activia (2), 10: 30 balls with broth, carrot with oil.
At approximately 12: 00 coffee without sugar.
At 13: 15 bodyflex and express fitness, then shower.
What is not yet decided, but would like to include in the today's diet cheese (16 c.u. from morning already used, curd (2-2.8 EUR + sour cream 50 g-1.5 c.u.) $ 4.3) of the total came out to about $ 20, and balls will often expected (a bunch a prepared)
Still would like to take (will take a look at pharmacies and shops, and fibre flax seeds).
Sleep badly, but the morning cheerful ...Normal Mood
The whole night was falling snow, warm (-5) and the beautiful
Growth-600 Gr.
Hello, beautiful!!!
Got up, glanced at full-length mirror, take a tour of ...and I do generally slender, chest high, taut (without lifony),
butt of a elastic ... in short I imagine today if she likes!!!Person opuhsee where, then, 600 GR weight gain spratalos???? don't catch
Today I'm on the water, alive! Hunger is not yet available.
Will not Wrap today, after yesterday's torsion theydo Boca and where the lower back, although no bruises.Make NRM-I for Popov, velotrenazere prokacus? and even something podelau by mood.Sports now every day!!!
Sought, sought a centimeter throughout and did not find.You will need to buy a new one today.
Sad I somehow ...weather cloudy ...I want to sleep ...
All good morning:) Day two
I have started in 5c. morning saw off CL, breakfast Cook him constantly And more sleep not passed ...
Breakfast I had not planned plotnen?k tonight mugs: half an hour later, Apple juice, fish soup bowl and nevyderzala, ate one candy "ptichiye Moloko" prihvatila to work 2 medium Green Apple, 1, 1 litre of water and morkovku 0.5 kefir 1%, and that is all for today
A 154-joyful!
Hi girls!
HURRAH, HURRAH, HURRAH! Finally I saw dear me "paterocku". At weights 59,6 kg. Understand that this is only water, but nice.
Will hold. Being below the average that
stomach borahlit don't know ppm will eat already ate oatmeal water + izumin + 1/2 small Bullseye, just back everything got no ... ... ... ... bad. With a committed cheese! Today still at work hard day ran.Good luck to everyone!
14 November 2010, Sunday _ 59.9 kg
Today saw 5-Ku on the scales!Hooray!
8: 00 coffee with milk, 2 slices of cheese, 1 slice of carbonate
Charging with Cindy, cream Turbosl
11: 00 cheese with dried prunes and Dried apricots
14: 00 beef stew with vegetables and ... 5 or 6!!!slices of carbonate, MAUSA ... me MAUSA!!!
A massage Day terla for almost the entire series "Capercaillie" approximately 40 minutes ... In my opinion the effect appears!(Of course it may be so it seems, because disuse terrible bruises on legs and abdomen ...)
18: 00 1/2 Pamela
Then there was the delivery Utkonosa, here I just imagine ponakupila ... ... .... cellulose, flour, bread loaves, meals, all marine algae (truth as food additives must be used, and I'M GONNA NAMAZYVAT?!), creams, oils, scrubs, etc. (... and at a price no more than 200 rub. each ) and other total dietary and pohudatel?n.
Well, tea Finally my zelenenkih brought!
Shorter day today was a success!
True Sport has failed ..., on the other hand, can I have 2 weeks daily lesson one evening Miss, with morning I regularly do every day!
Now sit after a shower, all red and ... BURN!Poterlas? anti-cellulite Thermo-peeling and thick white Siberian oil for body massage, bought today!Wow!Super!With morning my Cream Ice effect ...It is morning and evening are freezing.I think after a row of cellulite no trace!!!!
Beginning ...
Nasla egg diet, I kosaporise, it at number four, there are only four
about bath
Hello))) I decided to sit on a diet, egg can you site it already is?! I , did not read this diet on another site, sat twice. With 91 kg reached 77.Actually, I weighed 72 kg, just a couple of months ago, but for me nothing is permanent, and decided to check how much weight will be kept, if I start eating like a curse ...mmmmda ... hvtilo for a couple of months, and stop yourself already can't)))) Diary am for the first time. Let's see how far I'd had enough, at this time.E.t. Hall of Fame,
taaak voodusivilas?))))))) Ah yes, diet menu skeen tomorrow if someone interesting ...
Day 4 and 5 (plumb 1 kg)
Hello world! Will report back shortly for 2 days. Unloading I can say all day has failed to fulfil, as well as work to take home and work pozna, sat up to 2 x nights and before you go to bed hungry beat me entirely naelas? puree. the Plumb waved me handle. But yesterday hasie65 took me on a slice of pizza s?ela breakfast with coffee, lunch and dinner 8 ravioli little porridge buckwheat and salata "Mayo" all day like a squirrel in a wheel and on the morning of Oats 1 kg!!! Today again lived on a diet, but not in a small number of ve, hopefully not pribavlu. Here is my home for 5 d-1 kg.Today I bought a winter clothes, shoes and bag pihoru, tomorrow, I want to know your sfotaus? views.
Hello))) I decided to sit on a diet, egg can you site it already is?! I , did not read this diet on another site, sat twice. With 91 kg reached 77.Actually, I weighed 72 kg, just a couple of months ago, but for me nothing is permanent, and decided to check how much weight will be kept, if I start eating like a curse ...mmmmda ... hvtilo for a couple of months, and stop yourself already can't)))) Diary am for the first time. Let's see how far I'd had enough, at this time.E.t. Hall of Fame,
taaak voodusivilas?))))))) Ah yes, diet menu skeen tomorrow if someone interesting ...
Week 10, give thanks and say Amen for BistroMD
What's up world! It is the young soldiers Frank C. from fat man unleashed. Here to give a different status report of my time on the ground battle with BistroMD. Things have been these past few weeks too rough. With so much work to do in my day I myself find sometimes overwhelmed. I slowed down to thought for a moment or to give up.I had a slight relapse, but it not long have dauern.Ich God me the right people in my life, thank for the placing on the market by dragging.
The stress of work and home can be a big negative for all of us. If you are married with children you can then understand how I feel.With all this stress overload our life is difficult, the right thing all the time wouldn't tun.Das right miss my workouts to cheat on my diet stay active and get all my business made. Usually I'm on point but something came over me, and I found back to push me.
While a family I saw visit this past week a cousin of mine had some News.Sie liked the an autoimmune disease, chronic inflammation of the joints caused was diagnosed had recently with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Autoimmune diseases are diseases that occur when the body's tissues are attacked by its own immune system. In this case your bones lose essential minerals and experience a decrease in the density.
This cousin of mine always fit and healthy. It is the last person who ever would think you have a problem like this.According to Wikipedia is "about 1% of the world population of rheumatoid arthritis is most common in the age between 40 and 50 leiden.Beginn but is only in their early 30s!" I thought to myself, "how you could everyone, from which, at the end with the disease?" Then I who thought a better question, "How can I as a man in good health, not my hardest by this battle fight?" "How could I loose it would people in the world who love with 100% enforce, but are not physical complaint?"
My cousin reminded me as I am blessed, BistroMD on my site and I am in good health to haben.Ich have to be so much to thankful! I have so many people, which I use for fighting! This war is greater than me, it away or because so many people out there who want to be in my shoes, and are physically unable to do so. For those people I may have to fight hard every day I blessing for granted, the BistroMD me has given.I can not me down I can my family down, I can't let I cannot let down BistroMD down and I won't.
So with all that said, I want everyone, thank the BistroMD.Those thank, I got to know how Rebecca wells for believing in me, Christy Shatlock my nutritionist to Cederquest motivate me, Amanda Roebuck for your talented stories from me, and most of all Dr. BistroMD development and that you this Chance.Ich got myself mainly to thank God. Because so much as I would love, the truth is good in my life to take credit for all, all these blessings far greater than anything, what have I had planned. I understand the seriousness in this war against obesity and I will not allow to give me nothing less than my best.
Disclaimer: All products were delivered by BistroMD. Views expressed here are my own.If you are more interested, visit BistroMD.