I took recently to the plus up your gym bag makeover in which I was sent a gift card so I can update my fitness studio bag. This I was going to be a relatively simple upgrade because to begin with no fitness studio bag.I work at home for the most part, so it makes it really easy for me to not have something with me to nehmen.Ich, a video about this whole project wanted to originally be fun, but the audio has been damaged.
FiberPlus key test
Part of the promotion was that I had to try the new Kellogg's FiberPlus bars. I got a coupon to go, a box of bars to buy, I at the local Super Wal-Mart fact. I chose the chocolate chip version. I let the bars out first try my wife.She like not Sie.Ich tried it after a workout and thought well tasted. It was very light and had a good amount of carbohydrates. One which the positive FiberPlus bars is that you have antioxidants.
According to the Kellogg's FiberPlus website are not "many Americans enough fiber, whole grains, vitamins and minerals daily always." These bars are the your daily fiber, 7 grams of whole grains, with 35% plus antioxidants vitamin E and zinc, a nutritious - and delicious - high fibre. "Look as another way to combat the lack of nutrition that is ubiquitous in America."
Plus up my gym bag
I set out immediately update my fitness tools. I have pretty much everything I minus a few things from, that I, as this was the right time. The first thing that I bought was a heart rate monitor. This lets me keep my track calories burned plus my heart rate. Next, I bought a yoga mat. Gone are the days of doing yoga on a hard, cold floor! I bought a Fanny Pack.Lol.Now I actually have a fitness studio bag, go to hop on the elliptical occasionally in the gym or go to my stuff to halten.Ich on long Spaziergange.Jetzt I can do things with me in my "Fitness Studio bag". I bought a new pair of shorts. My other pair began to disintegrate.The last thing that I bought was a strong live band.I try to life hard a habit I make.
The giveaway!
Okay now, here is the fun Teil.Wir be won a $75-American Express gift card to a lucky Gewinner.Der competition runs from today until October 18.The winners will be announced on Oct. 19.Type:
(1) Market participants can comment on the blog stating why you need "to plus" your fitness studio bag.
2. Operators may at Twitter.com ("tweet");a message senden.Kommentar should describe why you need to plus up your fitness studio bag and include sponsor's Twitter handle @ Fatmanunleashed and Hashtag "# plusup".
3. Market participants can visit the FatManUnleashed Facebook page and leave a comment why you need your fitness studio bag plus up to you.
Read the official contest rules.
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